Buddy was abused by his first owner i rescued him when he was three months old he never forgot that he was a dog full of life he sang to songs he dove for rocks under the water he would have lived in the water if we let him.He was hard to keep up to he would walk for hours then come home and want to play ball.He also protected his home with great pride and love he was a cocker spaniel but he could bark .It was awful when we found the lump in his neck with his age we hoped fro the best but i knew in my heart it wasnt good when the vet said it was cancer my world stopped i was in such pain but i knew i had to do what was best for Buddy he loved life and i could not let him live his last days in pain so we spoiled him rotten well i made the arrangemaents to put him to sleep he seemed to know he swam and played he would look at everything for so long it was like he knew it would be the last time he would see it.On July 28 i had my baby boy put to sleep he was cremated and his ashes will be spread in the lake he so loved to swim in my heart aches and i miss him so much but i know i will see him again one day .