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Born:August 6, 1954
Newark, NJ
Died:July 12, 2003
Ocean Gate, NJ

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January 22, 1986, Warren was knocking on death's door. You see he needed a heart transplant, and a donor had not yet been found. Then a miracle happened, MY DAD, got his second chance at life. A 19 year-old young man died and his heart matched the type my father needed. On that 22nd Day of January I got my Dad back, and for the next 17+ years he taught me about life, happiness, determination, and baseball. He was way too young to die, only 48, but his body had been through sooo much he just needed to rest awhile. Now he will never miss another baseball game my brother or I play, he will never miss another moment in any of our lives, especially his loving wife, my Mom, Pam. My Dad said it best in a letter he wrote, before his death, ALL MY LOVE, ALL MY LIFE, UNTIL WE MEET AGAIN!!!

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