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Born:May 15, 1978
Died:London, Kentucky

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Everyone has their own hero. Some may be a movie star, some may be a super hero, or a cartoon character.  But my hero to someone else he probably wouldn't be anything special, but to me he's my hero.

My hero is Marshall Shannon Anderson. On June 8th, 1999, Shannon was killed in a tragic car accident on highway 192. It was not until Shannon was killed that then i realized just how precious life really is.

Shannon was twenty-one years old, he had his whole life ahead of him. Little did him and his family know that his life would be snatched from him in the blink of an eye.

It was a Tuesday night and him and his cousin Michael Sawyers was headed to a youth meeting at their church, when they came around a big curve and a car was coming at them on the wrong side of the road. They swerved to miss it this then caused them to go over an embankment. The doctor's at the hospital said that they were killed instantly upon impact.

Shannon was supposed to preach his first full sermon on Sunday the 13th, which was the following Sunday. This me realize that it doesn't matter who you are, or where you are going, when God calls for you, you will go with him. Weather you are ready or not.

i truly believe that through Shannon's death that he won the heart's of many young people. Shannon's only dream in life was that everyone around him would find peace in God. There were seventeen people at his funeral alone who came to know Jesus as their one true way of life. There were over 3,000 people at Shannon's funeral who adored and looked up to him as a role or a hero fiqure.

The reason I, among others look up to Shannon as a hero is becasue he was doing the right

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