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Died:June 1, 2005

This Online Memorial Has Expired
It Will Be Deleted Soon

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Unless more time is purchased to keep this memorial online, it will be removed from this website very soon.  Visitors will be unable to view this memorial, including any stories, photos, personal notes or other memorabilia that have been added to this web page.

We will always remember Annie as the friend we loved, the one who made use laugh, the one we could count on when we needed to vent about something.    Most of all, we will remember that she never complained about how sick she really was, probably because she did not want us to fret over her.   We will always remember "our Annie".
Personal Notes

Thanks for sharing your wisdom and wise words with all of us. I looked forward to seeing your posts and I will miss you, dear Ann.

Breathe easy and rest, my friend.

Added by Marylou PA

She was good for us and was so very helpful and inspirational for the whole group. No one can fill her shoes but we must try. Thank you for this gesture to honor her memory.

ken of West hills, CA

Added by ken scott

Ann I will miss our great conversations and humor Ann and I have shared. She was a reat lady.
Bev Wade

Added by Anonymous
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