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Born:February 1, 1977
Died:September 18, 2002
Keswick Ridge, New Brunswick

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One of the Best Mother's in the world,us as her children were the most important thing in her life. She went threw alot for us, because she loved us so much. Mom made her life miserable to make ours happy. Mom, We Love you so much..and miss you so!

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Personal Notes

Tra..It's almost a year since you passed away...Life isn't getting any easier...I cry over you all the time... I go to your grave everyday, sit there and think of all the things that never got accomplished..We had so many plans...When you left you took such a big part of me with you...Krissy, Daniel & Brett miss you so much too along with the rest of the family...You were the rock in our family..We miss you and love you!!
Added by Sister/Best Friend!
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