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Born:February 23, 1989
Salem Oregon
Died:December 24, 2004
Pt. Angeles Washington

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Beautiful, caring, funny, sensitive, these are just a few things that come to mind when I think about my daughter Melissa, or "Messa" as most of her family and freinds knew her. Melissas body was found off a muddy trail along a stretch of beach in Pt. Angeles Washington on Christmas day, 2004, a victim of homicide by strangulation. She was only 16 years old and had her whole life ahead of her. Her family and freinds' lives will never be the same without her. We miss her bright,contagious smile that could light up a room. She will never be forgotten.
dune buggy 075.jpg
Melissa Nad her best freind Ashley
Added by Anonymous
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Family and freinds please feel free to share personal notes , thoughts, memories about Melissa.
Added by mom

Messa Mae was a very sweet and caring girl! I loved her very much and i always will! She was always there weather you needed her or not! She was alwyas by your side! What happend shoulde'nt have ever happend but god must have needed her sweet self up in heaven! I just lost my other cousin as well, today as a matter of fact... he was only two. They are probly up there right now playing together and haveing a wonderfull time! Missy will never stand alone now.
Added by Her cousin, Kayla

Messa mae was one of the most friendly and caring person i have ever met, as i grew up with her we bacame good friends and she was always kind and caring and she would never judge you on who you were,if she were here right now i would tell her what a best friend she has been to me, she was always there, if there was a problem she would always be there for you, i loved messa like a older sister,i hope she is doing great up in heaven and hope to see her one day.

Added by her friend viola

messa im so sorry for everything. thank you for changing me into someone i love to be now. i consider you my angel that brought me to the light. my new found family misses you as well as i. rest in peace. we love you
Added by Anonymous

it's been almost 3 years but trust me, you will never leave my heart no matter how much time goes by. you changed my life and the lives of everyone around you. you were my best friend all of middle school and taught me so many things about life that i still go by today. i wish we's stayed friends during high school, but we can't go back. all i can wish for now is to see you again someday. you have the heart of an angel and now you ARE an angel where no one can hurt you, RIP.
Added by kelci

you were tangled and mangled out of unimaginable hate, by the time you were found it was to late. When we found out you died, it turned our world upside down. You were so special to us all this doesnt even explain how much pain we suffered. You would want us to move on we know this is true but there is one thing we all need to tell you. ven as the years go by, and even to this day, you will always be remembered as our loving Messa Mae.
Added by Marie Latimer

you are forever missed and loved. Happy Birthday sweetheart. You will be forever in our thoughts and please guide us in our prayers.

Added by mommy

it been four years sence we last talk to each other. i want to to know i will all ways miss you. i know your around some times cuz my daughter says your her best friend. i hear her laughing in the other room when she says you name messa i want you to know that i will see you again some day but for now i miss you and i love you. sorry for not being there. And to carla this is venesa i miss you and i hope that you are doing good i will come up and see you soon. I LOVE YOU MESSA
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