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Born:January 16, 1960
Died:May 18, 2005

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My mom was the sweetest lady I ever met. She suffered so much for me and I will always love her for the things she done. She touched so many hearts and made others feel better, even if she continued to suffer. Because of her illnesses, she would tire out easy and trips to the hospital weren't uncommon.

Her death was quite sudden. She had to be rushed to the hospital around mid-may due to a heart attack. Several tests were done and it was found out that she had congestive heart failure. She also had diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, and hypertension. Anyhow, a pacemaker was put into her to help regulate her heart. She done pretty well after the surgery for awhile. Then a few days had passed. My dad and I went to the hospital to see her. She was not feeling good at all. Wouldn't eat or drink....just wanted to sleep. We thought it was just because of the surgery and she would be ok after a day or so. Then next morning, my dad and i get a call from the hospital. They told us m mom's aorta had ruptured and they were going to try and do surgery on her to save her. We rushed right over, and waited for a few minuted. Finally, a surgeon approached us...she didn't pull through, so i didn't get to say goodbye.

My mom died at the age of 45. Although her life was short lived, she done so much to warm other people's hearts. She was a part-time nursing assistant and a full-time mom. It hurts me so bad now that she is gone from this earth. However, I know that she is safe in the arms of the Lord and I will see her again. *Mom, I love you so much and I can't wait to be in your loving arms again*.
Memorabilia (audio, video, files, documents, etc.)
One of the poems i wrote for my mom
Added by Anonymous

Memories of you.rtf
Another poem for mom
Added by Anonymous
Personal Notes

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