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Born:July 17, 2005
Benoni, near the Luna Plaza Roadhouse
Died:June 28, 2005
Alberton, near Boogaloos Roadhouse

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The Hoff:

born in Benoni (must have), distant cousin of Twakkie and Corne (and Aunty Vera from Port Elizabeth, and Uncle Carl from East London..or wait, is that East Landsdowne)

In his short life, The Hoff transformed himself to an on-(computer) screen icon. A legend in his own lunch-box.

Every day, in almost every on-line way, we were reminded about his phiner kwalities. Eventually, even the masses started to catch on, tune in, and log on.
Hence: he had to go.
Like a candle in the wind, the gentle south-easter, he had to be put to rest - or else suffer the same fate as
Ali G: to be quoted by 12-year olds from Parow.

We did not want David, our Dave, The Hoff, to be
So, all together now, say: cheers thanks a lot bye,
Hoff-fully you incarnate into a new meme.
All your Hoff, are belong to us.

Added by Anonymous

piet koornhof.jpg

Added by Anonymous
Memorabilia (audio, video, files, documents, etc.)

Personal Notes

Dear Dave: I'm sorry we parted in such a Hoff!
always your distant Cuz, P. Koornhof (from Hoff Bay, Eastern Cape)

Added by Anonymous

All your Hoffs, are belong to Us
We try not to cry, as we know you had to make your time.
Someone set us up the Hoff.
Loving your Memory,
your Mhoffie friends from the East Side,
Bronkhoffspruit, Gauteng

Added by Anonymous

Dear Dave
The Memory of The Hoff will rule ForHoffer
(ps may I keep your Hoffy Stick? It will remind me of the games we played)
RIP, The Hoff
from your Artist Hockey Player sister
(in Hoffsback, Eastern Cape)

Added by Anonymous
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