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Died:September 20, 2003
St. Charles, Mo.

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Butchie was a loving and faithful dog who was definatly a member of the family, not just a pet.  Never being able to overcome his addiction to licking everything around him was his one and only bad trait, and even that was amusing to watch sometimes.  His favorite treat was ice cream.  He would stop whatever he was doing if he knew we had some and very patiently wait for his. His philosophy in life was "If I stare at it long enough, it will be mine." (and of course mommy and daddy always gave in!!)  He was loved very much and will be remembered always.

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Personal Notes

We miss you so much!! We hope you are running and playing and eating ice cream with all of the best angels! You will always be our first baby and have a special place in our hearts.
Love, Mommy and Daddy

Added by Anonymous
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