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Born:November 25, 1986
Died:August 8, 2004

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richard you were taken so suddenley without any illness.
you are a fantastic boy and a son i am very proud of.
you are a very loyal friend and every one who knows you misses you,life just seems so cruel to take you when you were so young is not fair.
we will never forget you,you would do anything for anyone and always found it hard when you wre asked to help others out,you put every one were a typical 17 year old liked a few beers,loved the girls and would do anything for a laugh.
i was always saying to you be careful, your reply was always the same "stop worring mum il be ok".
you were always saying give us a fag mum ,well i would love to give you a fag now maybe even 20.
my heart aches so bad dont know how to stop it,i love you so much and always will,i can not believe that 11months have passed already.
but my son just remember we are not angery with you we just wished you were still here.
sleep tight my angle god bless till we are toghether again.
love you lots your heart broken mum xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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Personal Notes

a beloved son,brother,grandson,nephew,cousin and true friend.
you are missed by everyone that loves you xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Added by mum

hey chudder
missin ya lyk mad wish u was still
here to come to me 13th birthday party
n to see mollie she is gettin big now leanne says she is spoilt well baby gonna go cuz i miss ya n i am gonna cry love jade xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Added by the best cuz in da world

to richard i missing u . lots of love hugs n kisses rebecca xxxxxxxx aka boo xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Added by boo aka rebecca

to rich the best mate anyone could eva ask for miss ya bruv.till the day we see each other again goodbye
Added by chris

rich ur the best brother i cud wish 4! i miss u so much my lifes crap wivout ya i jus wnt u bk!i no we dint always get on but most of the time we did n it was great we had loadsa laughs i jus wish u cud b here!nearly my 16th n ur not gna be here tht hurts so much, i wont celebrate as much!my 1 wish wud be 2 ave u bk agen!love n miss u loads keep watchin ova me love ya darlin stace xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Added by your little sis stacexx
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