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Born:Kingston, Ontario
Died:July 11, 2004
Kingston, Ontario

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A gentle wind blew cross the land,
Reaching out to take a hand.
For on that wind the Angels came,
Calling out our Dini's name.

Left behind, the family's tears,
Loving memories of all the years,
Of joy and love, a life well spent
And now to God our Dini's sent.

On Angel's wings, a heavenly flight,
The journey home, towards the light.
To those who weep, a life is gone,
But in God's love, it's but the dawn.

One year ago Nadine left us, to fly away with the Angels. Nadine is lovingly remembered, sadly missed, and still admired by all who knew her, especially by her lifelong love, and husband, Alan Ross. Sadly missed and fondly remembered by Mama Ross's "adopted" kids, Tina, Betty-Jean, and Alan. Although we only knew her for a very short time, we came to love her with all our hearts and miss her very deeply.
Nadine Eileen Ross
Added by Anonymous
Memorabilia (audio, video, files, documents, etc.)

Added by Anonymous


Added by Anonymous
Personal Notes

Nadine...we all miss you so much but not near as much as Daddy does. His heart was broken the day you were taken away from this life, but I know that there will be a happy reunion for him someday when he joins you. In the meantime we will take care of him!
You are always in our hearts and mind.

Added by Tina
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