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Born:Still Pond, Maryland
Died:Parkville, Maryland

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You were with me throughout all the important times in my life...from High School to College, my first house, my marriage. You could make me laugh; we played silly games for hours. You loved to go swimming in the Bay and visiting the Shore. When I was sad, somehow you just knew and that was enough. You'd lay your large, slobbery head in my lap or on my shoulder and everything would be allright. I never tired of having you greet me each and every day I'd some home from work: you were the world's best greeter, let me tell you. I could go anywhere at anytime with you and I felt had this sixth sense about people and kept me out of harm's way more than once. (Not to mention I should have listened to you about several of my boyfriends as I was growing up.) I hope that, when I join you many, many years from now, you'll remember me, you'll wait for me with that smile on your face that only a Lab can have. I hope that you forgive me for letting you go and that you never felt any pain. I hope you are with me, still, even though I turn to find you and you're no longer by my side. You're in my heart.

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