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Born:March 2, 1960
Grand Falls- Windsor Newfoundland
Died:April 7, 2000
Grand Falls-Windsor

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Shirley Marie King was born on March 2,1960.She was born to parents Herb and Nona King.Also there both birth dates and the only daughter to be born to them.She grew up in a wonderful house with 6 brothers and a very big circle of family.At the age of 16 she married her husband John Hynes and became Shirley Marie Hynes,three months later gave birth to there first child Lisa,two years later the second Crystal and two more years the third Jennifer.
Shirley was a hard worker her whole life,devoting all her time and energy into helping friends and raising a family.She was a great mother who always made time for everything and for everyone.She is greatly missed! After a long battle with cancer she passed away in her home town on april 7,2000. By her side were her three children and husband.Shirley has four grandchildren two of which she has never seen.% years has passed since her death and not a minute has passed without her memory.Her only grand daughter bares her name and the three grand sons bare her looks.She greatly missed and grieved!

Added by Shirley Marie King Hynes
Memorabilia (audio, video, files, documents, etc.)
Me and mom at West edmonton mall getting our picture drawn!
Added by Anonymous
Personal Notes

My mother my friend,the best listener and the best everything.How your life was but a vapor.I miss you everyday,time hasn't heal much.I miss all our phone calls and all our shoppings and all our everything.I wish you were her to see your grand kids and be here for us all.But I guess God had a bigger plan and needed you more.One day we will be all together again.Love you with all my heart Love Lisa
Added by Lisa

Jesus took you for reasons we don't understand.He must have needed you for something special.One day we will be all together again.I know where you are,you are happy and feel no pain.You are greatly missed!
Added by Lisa

I miss you everyday and wish we could be together.I am in soccer and I love to play sports.I am now going to grade 4 and doing well in school,I wish you were here to see me grow up.
I know you are with God in heaven and one day I will see you too.Love Nicholas xoxo

Added by Nicholas

My mom was more than just a mother, she was a best friend. A person you could tell anything and she would never judge you or look down on you.I wish everyday she was here with us to share our lives, but life sometimes doesn't go the way we want. I thank God everyday for giving me the time He did with her and that she taught me to be who I am today. I love her so much and think about her everyday. Mom, I love you and one day we will see one another again.
Love Crystal XOXOX

Added by Crystal Hynes

Mom i miss you everyday that goes by you were a dynamic woman with such courage, joy, and full of inspiration you are missed each and everyday by the ones you left behinf Family, Friends and even strangers who's hearts you touched. God blessed us with you once he has done it again when we welcomed in your grandchildren that you haven't met Andrew and Makayla. Mom i miss you and i know we will meet again until that day we will have to wait until we see our beautiful mother Shirley Marie.
Added by Love: Jenny

Mom i miss you everyday that goes by you were a dynamic woman with such courage, joy, and full of inspiration you are missed each and everyday by the ones you left behind Family, Friends and even strangers who's hearts you touched. God blessed us with you once he has done it again when we welcomed in your grandchildren that you haven't met Andrew and Makayla. Mom i miss you and i know we will meet again until that day we will have to wait until we see our beautiful mother Shirley Marie.
Added by Love: Jenny

Mom i miss you everyday that goes by you were a dynamic woman with such courage, joy, and full of inspiration you are missed each and everyday by the ones you left behind Family, Friends and even strangers who's hearts you touched. God blessed us with you once he has done it again when we welcomed in your grandchildren that you haven't met Andrew and Makayla. Mom i miss you and i know we will meet again until that day we will have to wait until we see our beautiful mother Shirley Marie.
Added by Love: Jenny

Merry Christmas mom I miss you everyday and wish you were here to celebrate with us all!LOve you forever!Lisa
Added by lisa
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