It is really difficult to write about someone special at times like this. We are trying hard to come to terms with Ayim's death, but it all seemed impossible. As hard as it is to write about Ayim at such difficult times, we will try our best to write a little something here.... Ayim was someone who had a really good sense of humour and he had that mischeivious grin everytime he does something funny. But yet at the same time, he was a very sensitive person and was aware of people's thoughts and feelings even though we try to hide it. That is the magic that Ayim possessed, and he would always try to cheer them up with the natural charm that he has always have in him. I was very close to Ayim for most of the time that i knew him (6 years of friendship) and he has regarded me as his best chinese friend. I have to admit that it was his charm, wit and humour that brought me very close to Ayim. We would share late night phone conversations telling about our personal and band problems. There was never a dull moment talking to him on the phone, be it bad or good times. Unfortunately during last year, everyone in Raspatul was busy as hell with our own commitments, and so we had less time to hang out with each other. But all of us made sure we tried to meet up in some way or another. Jamming sessions were the best time to meet up but the time was always too short to have any proper conversations. Most of the conversations in the studio were evolved around the music, and not much about our personal lives. I felt really guilty for not having to know much more about Ayim in the last few months of his life. Like we always do, we take everything for granted. This is something that I am going to regret for the rest of my life. Ayim had a great ear for good songwriting. He was always the one who comes up with something unique but still fits the style of Raspatul. We remembered he used to say it's easy to replace him, because he is just a vocalist. But to us, Ayim is the very heart and soul of Raspatul and without him in the band, Raspatul would just be an ordinary band. So we say to you our dear brother Ayim, you will and have always been the greatest vocalist ever. Just hang in there brother, we will see you soon.