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Born:July 25, 1982
Redwood City, California
Died:August 30, 2003
Black Rock City, Nevada

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Kathy had an artsiness about her since the moment she could pick up a pencil.  She was going to start her second year at the Academy of Art College, San Francisco as a Photography major.  She was determined to fulfill her dreams and aspirations not matter what the cost.She truly lived her life to the fullest extent...what other 21 year old can say they do that?
Kathy was a fabulous aunt to her neice and nephews and continuously put their needs before her own at times. She was the most influential person in their lives(although they are young).
Kathy was artistic, spiritual, in touch with her reality, and will be missed by everyone she touched, even if that touch only lasted a moment.
Kathy's death was tragic, yes:however, she had a connection to Burning Man that was in her soul...she died with joy in her heart and amazement in her eyes...there was nowhere else in the world that she wanted to be at that moment.
We will all remember her in our differnt ways, but one memory will be the same for all of us....she was one AMAZING woman!

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Personal Notes

i am sorry i spelled your name with a c at black swan's letter office, perhaps i was hoping that it was really a different kathy lampman

i really really miss you

Added by Anonymous

Kathy, All I really have to say is my life is forever changed because of knowing you. I miss you like crazy, we all do, but I have to believe everything happens the way it is supposed to. Thank you for strengthening my capacity to love unconditionally and appreciate every moment with the people I love, because of you I know they will not be around forever. I know you will watch over us and I will never forget you. I love you.
Added by Diana

Kathy, I knew you to be a wonderful sister and aunt through conversations with, Stacy. I was witness to how wonderful you were with the kids and how they adored you. My lasting memory of you makes my heart warm... A beautiful, carefree woman preceeding her sister down the isle as I watched my best friend marry. I will forever hold that memory dear.
Added by Michelle Diederichs
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