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Born:January 15, 1958
Died:February 1, 2005

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My husband was the most well liked person i ever knew.
He was giving,careing and thoughtfull. The only problem he had was his mother,too much control.He worked very hard as a sheetrocker.He loved playing pool and was very good at it.He also loved his Budweiser beer,thats how we meet.He was one man i could trust and was a good friend.At least
untill the end.His mother wanted control of him so bad that
she tore us apart.While i had to move us she took over and had him sign papers so i had nothing to say about my own husband.I was able to see him once before he died.I was also the last to know.But when i did see him he told how much he loved me and that he was not happy being with them.
Im sorry sweety it ened like this you diserved better.You
will be missed greatly by all your friends and your wife.
I would give anything if i could of been with you so you knew how much i loved you and will and do miss you.
Your Loving Wife

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Personal Notes

Alfred we were togeather for 16 years,and i loved you everyday of those 16 years.Iknow how much you loved your sports espicially football.
Ill try and pick your winners.Hope your watching the games with me.May God be with you always.

Added by Anonymous
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