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Born:August 1, 1949
Atlanta, Georgia
Died:July 26, 2004
Atlanta, Georgia

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George, affectionately known as Jr. by his immediate family was a quiet and a very private person; however, he loved his family...his Mom, Dad, Wife, Children, Sisters,Brothers and GrandChildren very much.

After graduation from C. L. Harper High School, George enlisted in the Army. While there, he served in Germany and was a Viet Nam Vet. He received numerous medals and received the rank of Specialist 5. When he returned home, George accepted employment with the City of Atlanta as an Auto Mechanic, specializing in Heavy Equipment. He knew all there was to know about repairing vehicles...just ask his many customers.

George decided (in l994) that retirement (from the City of Atlanta) was not for him; thus began his ne found career as a tour bus driver and a limo driver for his Sister. There are many cards from passengers on his bus that told of his good nature and how professional and what a safe and cautious driver he was.

His delight was his (5) grandchildren! Even though he was not the boastful type, just don't get him started talking about his grand kids...especially his oldest granddaughter (who was his pride and joy).

There are so many loving memories we share about George with one another and sometimes that helps to ease our pain.

Personal Notes

We had a very special and unique relationship and for that I'm thankful. We always knew that we each loved each other and we would tell each other that on occasions. Thank you for giving me our Sons because I'll have you with me always. I love you! After all this time, you still called me PeggyP, and so it is...
Added by Peggy P
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