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Born:September 19, 1968
tuxedo, new york
Died:June 16, 2005
tuxedo, new york

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Derek was a beautiful person. I dont think that anybody could have ever said anything bad about this man, ever. he didn't have a malicious bone in his body. He was a talented skier, a beautiful dancer, and a all around great guy. When i first met derek, I was at a club in New Jersey called Company B's. He was there with the love of his life, Liz. I rememeber watching them glide across the dance floor and thinking i wish that i could do that. That was when our circle of friends our little family began. Well at first it wasn't little. There was me and Amy, and Mike, Bernie, Robin, Derek, Liz, Lori, Diane, Brett, Mark and Daniel. We all took over the dance floor when we were there but especially Liz and Derek. The way they moved together was so beautiful words can not describe it. They belonged in each others arms. As time went by, people began to drift away. Some moved and others headed down other paths. But Liz, Derek, me and Amy always stuck together. When i first heard the news that Derek was killed i didn't know whether to cry or to hit something. As i learned more and more about his life and things that took place I grew even more and more angrier. For those of you that knew him, did you really know him????? Did you really know all of the hard times that he had to endure???? i will not disrespect his family as they have suffered a great loss but still he was treated very unfairly. But even though Derek was put through soo much, he never showed it, he always had a smile on his face no matter what the situation. At his funeral it was said that Derek was envious of his brother, because he was married and he had found someone special. Well he had someone special but he was forced to let her go. They still loved each other and planned on being with each other but she had to make a choice, a life-changing choice and move to virginia beach and start a fresh life. Derek And Liz were working things out and he was even planning on coming to visit her. They spoke to each other the night before he was killed, and he was so excited about coming to virginia to see what oppurtunities it had for him. At the end of their conversation they both said "I love you" to each other. Needless to say that was the last time they ever uttered those words to one another. Derek and Liz had five beautiful years together and nobody, NOBODY, can come close to the magic these two had. Since Derek's death I have become more of a believer in the fact that we are not alone on this earth. Spirits and ghosts are around us always. I know now that Derek will always be watching over me, and Amy and Liz forever. I love you Derek and i will miss you greatly.  Love   Jessica

Added by Anonymous
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Well i had wanted to put the lyrics to a great song on here. One that we dedicated to derek as we were in the funeral procession. it is called "With arms wide open", by Creed. Creed was on of his favorite bands and we thought that that was the perfect song for him. And he must have thought so too, cuz he gave us a sign that he is with us and he was listening. We all knew right then and there that he will be watching over us for many years to come and helping us through god times and bad.

Added by Jessica, Amy and Liz
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