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Born:June 3, 1960
Lake Village, Arkansas
Died:July 20, 2003
Jackson, Mississippi

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Rita B. White was born on June 3, 1960 to the proud parents of Daniel A. and Elizabeth J. Barley of Eudora, Arkansas. Rita was the oldest of four children. She finished high school in 1977. In 1977, she also married David White of Vicksburg, MS. On August 9, 1979, both became the proud parents of a daughter Karen Renea weighing 6lbs 11 ounces. Again on May 28, 1984, both became parents to a healthy boy named David Wayne White Jr. weighing in at 6lbs 7 ounces. In July 2000, Rita was diagnosed with breast cancer. She underwent a biopsy and 3 surguries between July and September of 2000. Starting in September, Rita underwent chemotherapy for 4 months. One week before Christmas, Rita was delared in remission from her cancer. In April of 2002, Rita was rediagnosed with metastatic breast cancer. In June, she found out that this cancer had not only spread to her bones but her liver also. Rita immediately underwent strong doses of chemotherapy. Much to everyone's surprise, Rita was cleared of liver cancer just three months later. However, the battle was not over. In October of 2002, Rita was told by doctors that her liver was again infected with cancer. The chemotherapy changed again and again. Nothing seemed like it was working. Just when she would start feeling better it was time to go back. On July 11, 2003, Rita started experiencing a terible headache. She was taken to the hospital in Jackson on the next day due to the fact that the headache had not weakened after many attempts of tylenol. She was treated and sent home. On Sunday, July 13, 2003, Rita started having seizures and became non responsive. She was taken to the hospital again and was diagnosed with brain cancer. Her cancer had spread to her brain. Just one week after this diagnosis, Rita ended her battle. She passed away on Sunday, July 20, 2003. 

To anyone that reads this...Rita was my mother. She was and always will be my hero. I was with her when she was first diagnosed with cancer in 2000 and I was there when she passed away in 2003. During those three years of fighting for her life, she taught myself and others around her so much. Examples...Mom never gave up her hope for a cure. She was always participating in procedures to find a cure. She never gave up on herself. SHe worked everyday, 5 days a week, 40 hours a week, up until the last 2 weeks of her life. She put others ahead of herself even though she was the one living with this horrible disease. So I am here to give rememberance to my mother, my best friend, my HERO. And I would like to end this with one thing she made me promise her....Never give up no matter what the situation or consequenses are.

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This is just a hint of advice. Never leave a loved one on bad terms. You never know if that will be the last time you are able to talk to them. My mom was my best friend. We made a promise to never leave each other on bad terms. Just knowing that the last thing she said to me was I love you, means the world to me. Think about it.
Added by Renea
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