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Born:December 15, 1969
Louisville, KY
Died:December 17, 1988
Louisville, KY

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Angela was a unique person.  At least she was to me.  I have never knew anyone quite like her.  She was special.  Angela was a very beautiful young woman.  She had blonde hair and crystal blue eyes and a smile that could warm up the coldest winter.  

One of the things I remember most about her is her magnetism. People were drawn to her. I was drawn to her. I remember her first day of school. Me and mom took her to the school and other kids were walking up to her, striking a conversation. She was very popular all through her school years. She was involved in a variety of activities and clubs. Her grades never suffered. When she was first born, I was jealous of her, but that jealousy soon turned to pride. She was seven years younger than me, but she acted older than me. She was always telling me to dress up more and put makeup on.

The last time I saw Angela was on her 19th birthday. I bought her a matching scarf and gloves. She was very happy with it. She pulled out an outfit and showed me how it would go with it.

Angela was killed two days later in a car accident. Our families lives were turned upside down and have never been the same since. I can say this one thing. I was better for having Angela in my life. She will always be loved, cherished and remembered.

Added by Anonymous
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There isn't a day that goes by that I don't think of you....

Your sister, Karen

Added by Anonymous
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