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Born:October 16, 1913
Washington, Louisiana
Died:July 30, 2005
Cleveland, Ohio

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In Memory of our father Mr. Robert Huricks:  There are no words to describe our feeling and grief.  We loved him so much but God loved him more.  You get only one father and we will miss him dearly, his smile, his love and compassion.  He will remain in our hearts forever.

Our FAMILY2002.jpg

Added by Anonymous

Dad and me .jpg

Added by Anonymous

I love my daddy 4sure.jpg

Added by Anonymous

family yvette99.jpg

Added by Anonymous

Bob Ryan 2.jpg

Added by Anonymous
Memorabilia (audio, video, files, documents, etc.)

Added by yvette

We Love you daddy
Added by Huricks Family
Personal Notes

Mr Huricks was my Father-In-Law! I have known him for more than 30 years. I had the chance to know him! I will miss him so much! He was a good man, a compassionate father. and a wonderful human being! God bless you "Bob"! Rest in peace!
Your son-in-law:

Added by Kenneth K. Hanyes

Dear Dad: I will miss taking you to your appointments, taking you shopping, you saying to everyone we come in contact with telling them "that's my daughter" your jokes and your smile. I will never forget you. You will always be in my heart and soul and I will love you forever and ever!
Added by Yvette Haynes

Hey Grandad,

This is "Rickie." I hope you are getting adjusted up there! I miss you alot and still
can't believe you're gone. Joanne and Ryan miss you too! I hope that I am blessed to live as long as you did and be healthy as long as you did.
You'll never be forgotten. Rest in peace.



Added by Anonymous

To My Dearest Grandpa,

I will miss you so much, Wont be able to call you and have a nice talk with u , wont be able to send you
Christmas, Birthdays and fathers day card or just a simple letter saying Hello, It's sad that your gone but your in a better place now,
I am so bless to have you in my life...Someday I will see and talk to you again Grandpa always be in my heart And
I love you so much. Love always Your Deb,

Added by Anonymous

My Loving Grandpa,
I miss you and miss hearing you say Hey Honey and hearing that jolly laugh with that pretty smile of yours. I pray that I live a good long life as long as you did. You are sadly missed by your beautiful granddaughter (as you would always say), your beautiful great granddaughter Teddy Bear(Kedre)and her wonderful husband who was looking forward to meeting you. We love you here in Texas. Don't be up there beating on somebody with that cane of yours.

Added by Debra Maddox

Hello Old Man:

I hope you made it up there without any problems and now resting in peace. I really missed our weekly chats on the phone and very thankful that I was able to see you again before you were called away. Please say hello to Red, Barry, Mama Amy and my wife Sally, Let her know I miss her so much.

Added by Robert A. Huricks

Hey Dad:

I forgot to tell you this. Sally, with all of her religious beliefs and devotion she might be one of the leaders up there. Remember to watch your language! (Smile) I hope to see you all someday, God willing, but not soon. (Ha Ha Ha) Your loving son.

Added by Robert A. Huricks

Hi Grandpa..Was thinking about you this morning, I had a dream of you last night, a bit blurry though, all i remember is your saying a prayer, then decided to write you a message, Its almost Oct, Just want to say Happy B-day, I know, way too early but its okay..Hope your enjoying & having a blast there, Great place to live huh, anyway just say hello to everyone for me,thats all for now until I can think of something else, got to go for now until next time. Love always your Deb,
Added by Debra A. Huricks
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