Tony, known to his many friends by various nicknames, because nicknames are tags of love, was known as 'too-bad' and 'skillet' and 'bones'; all handles to discribe a very unique personality that was Tony. He was a darling baby, mischevious little boy, and then an adventureous teen ager.When he was grown into adulthood, he never lost that youthful quality of laughter and love of life. He loved his family, loved his friends, and loved his Harley. He smiled a lot and had a laugh like none other. He was a free spirit.
Hard worker. And, an all around 'good guy'. Wanting no responsibility except to take care of 'Tony' he never sought the married life, so even at 36 years of age, had never married or had children. He went were his heart took him, did as he pleased, and had the courage to live an unconventional lifestyle, not one designated by the strains of society. Yes, he was loved by many, known to many by various names, but, NO ONE could have loved him more or miss him more than me, I am his 'Momma'. A name he give me as a child and never diverted from as long as he lived. The last thing I ever heard him say was, "I'll see ya next weekend Momma. I love you." That weekend came, and I saw you Tony, but I don't know if you saw me. If you did, did you see my tears and heartbreak? Did you see the greif, shock, and sorrow of your sister, your brothers, your dad, your neices, nephews, and friends? I know angels must have invited you to leave. You always loved a party. I think angels must have told you God was throwing a party that night and did you want to come. You said, yes. They took you away with them. God, oh God, how we all miss you. Tell me son, is it true God rides a Harley?