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Born:February 13, 2002
South Australia , Australia
Died:July 15, 2005
South Austalia , Australia

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Emilia was born in the year 2002 and was a beautiful little girl she was always happy and friendly to every single person even if the person was not always good . Emilia was sweet and caring  she would always tell me how much she loved me and her father. she was adored by so many people. She had acheived so much in her short life . But she was diagnosed with Leukhaemia on the 23rd of August 2004 . We tried so hard to fight Emilia was still a wonderful daughter she was a stronge little girl.
We tried Radiation theropy and Chemotherapy . I remember the Day When Emilia started to lose her hair but still she kept on fighting ! She wouldn't let go. we praised her for so many reasons she gave us strength to go on. But the Chemo was not working and Emilia was becoming weak the spark that made her so special was going out and we couldn't do anything to stop it. She couldn't fight any more on July 15th 2005 Emilia lost her fight to Leukaemia. She Passed away in her mommies arms. Her last words were I Love You.
Emilia we will never forget you. you were so beautiful and gave us so much to live for you were the reason we woke up everyday even when you were sick you were such a pleasure and a Privilege to have in our lives we will never forget you and we know you'll never forget us . Love you forever our little angel Mum and Dad
Some People Dream about Angels we held one in our arms.
Added by Kara
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