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Born:March 21, 2005
Fort Worth, Texas
Died:April 30, 2005
Dallas, Texas

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Alexander was born eight weeks premature by cesarian because of a serious congenital heart defect. He had Hypoplastic Right Heart Syndrome, Pulmonary Atresia and Cardiomyopathy. When he was eleven days old he was transfered to Childrens Medical Center in Dallas to be evaluated for a heart transplant. Several days later he was put on the national transplant list. After only a little over a week on the list he was removed from the list because he had developed NEC (necrotizing enterocolotis.) Over the next week he got worse and worse until finally losing his battle on April 30.
Daddy snuggling Alexander
Added by Anonymous

Alexander being held for the 1st time by Mommy.
Added by Anonymous
Memorabilia (audio, video, files, documents, etc.)
Little Angels.doc

Added by Anonymous
Personal Notes

Alexander, I love you and miss you every day baby.
Added by Mommy
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