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Born:October 31, 2001
Lakeside, California
Died:September 30, 2003
Lago Patria, Italy

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Our boy Harley was the most wonderful and well mannered dog one could own. He was us and part of our family. Always wagging his whole rearend and tail. He would always seem to have a smile on his face. You could tell his love for us and he always would take care of Lexi.
He was brought with us on our transfer to Italy where alot of changes came in store for him and the family. He was tough throughout it all. Always loving and ALWAYS waggin his beautiful curved like chow tail. We were able to get him a companion and she is a beautiful full breaded German Shepard show dog (from championship lines). Her name is Dyna and she is crazy without him......We will always miss and love our "Harley Barley" and that friend will be truely missed. May God bless him and keep him safe.
Lexi, Tiff, & Steve
Added by Tiffany

Added by Tiffany

Added by Tiffany

taking a break
Added by tiffany
Memorabilia (audio, video, files, documents, etc.)

Personal Notes

A true friend to all of us...Always waggin that tail!
We Love You Harley

Added by Anonymous
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