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Born:August 7, 1934
Saginaw, Michigan
Died:September 30, 2003
Sarasota, Florida

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A resident of Sarasota since 1972, Jill was born and went to high school in Michigan.  She then moved to Illinois where she studied at the Chicago Academy of Fine Art, Northwestern University and later with the well-known artist, George Beuhr, Chicage Art Institute Instructor.  She was employed in the art department of Popular Mechanics where she illustrated primarily for Science Digest. She taught art in the Chicago suburbs before moving to Sarasota. 

Jill also has studied at the Ringling School of Art and has attended summer workshops at Wilacres in North Carolina, the summer art forum in Savannah at the Savannah College of Art and Design. She was an art instructor at the Sarasota County Techinical Center through the Adult Education Program.

Paintings reflect mainly scenes of Florida, but also completed were selections done while traveling throughout the United States and Europe. Her last and most insiprational trip to China inspired her to create beautiful scenes as well as portraits of the Chinese people.

Jill has participated in many local shows and was a member of several art groups including the Art Center Sarasota, Florida Suncoast Watercolor Society, The National League of American Pen Women, and the Towles Court Art Association. Her work is currently exhibited at Art Center in Sarasota, the Bradenton Art League with the Florida Suncoast Watercolor Society, and Beverly Flemings gallery at Towles Court, Sarasota. Her works are also displayed at various galleries throughout Florida and in private collections locally and nationally.

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Personal Notes

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