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Born:February 6, 1976
Marlette, Michigan
Died:July 3, 2005
Port Sanilac, Michigan

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Twenty-nine year old Joel Dandron passed away on Sunday July 3,2005 while swimming in Lake Huron.  Joel was the son of Dorsen (Gene) and Bertha M.(Block) Dandron.  He was preceded in death by his father on July 18, 2003.  Joel is survived by his mother, four sisters Laura, Elizabeth, Angie, and Susan, four brothers Al, Gene, Kenny, and Harold.  As well as many nieces and nephews.  He enjoyed swimming, wave running, working on cars, playing pool and music.  He was employed by Marine industries of Marlette.  He loved children and his many friends.  His dream in life was to be married and have a family, which was a dream that was never fulfilled before he passed away.

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