Tim was a Good boy he always would go out of his way to help others , he would always see that his sister and brothers were took care of each day of his life he was full of energy and life was fully ahead of him .He would walk to work or even walk Home he would always do what he had to do and now that he is gone to be with God he will Never Be hurt by anyone or any gun agian . You see Tim Was shot and killed 12 days before His 20th Brithday . The ones Who do the killing are now behind bars and they will Not be hurtinbg anyone else for a while they will Have to answer for what they Have done Not only for Here But before God trhey will Have no excuse but Only Have to pay for there crime but you see I dont Have to worry about It i have settled It Long ago and God Has given Me a peace That I cant even Begian to Tell You but i will seee him Agian and will Gods a alsome God Giving Him The Glory For it amen