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Died:September 3, 2005

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Jade Elizabeth (Hamilton) Amweg was born on May 30, 1979 in Decatur, Indiana to Rex Hamilton of Decatur, In and Pam (Arnold) Hamilton of Monroe, In.

Kristian (PeeWee) Daniel Amweg was born on May 3, 1978 in Van Wert, Ohio to Jack and Chris (Taylor) Amweg of Ohio City, Ohio.

In addition to Jade's parents, she is survived by two sons, one daughter, grandparents, one brother, two sisters, and three half brothers.

In addition to PeeWee's parents, he is survived by two sons, on daughter, one brother, and one sister.

Jade & Peewee Amweg were tragically killed by a drunk driver on September 3, 2005, leaving behind three young beautiful children. Their children are ages 9, 4 and 10 months old.

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Personal Notes

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