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Born:December 17, 1973
Seattle, WA
Died:October 20, 2003
Bremerton, WA

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Kevin was employed in his third year of the Marine Machinery Mechanic Program at Puget Sound Naval Shipyard.  He was married June 7, 1996 and wrote, "I still maintain that my best work has nothing to do with my job.  Finding my wife Theresa and keeping our marriage strong is the most important thing to me.  It has to be my best work."  Kevin loved to garden, take care of his animals,  go to garage sales.  He raced runabouts with his father, and became a Grandpa to Trinity at age 29. He was survived by two step daughters, his mom and dad, his sister, his grandma,two nephews, and a niece. Friends celebrated his life in a memorial service.  Those who wished to remember Kevin gave to American Red Cross, Heifer International, Africa AIDS watch, PAWS, or Cascade Regional Blood all of which he and his wife managed to contribute.
Kevin placed his marriage first
Added by Anonymous

Kevin often lived in his own little world
Added by Anonymous

Kevin loved life from the beginning
Added by Anonymous

Kevin & his sister Kirsten, a happy memory in the snow
Added by Anonymous
Personal Notes

An anonymous prayer that has been helpful in reconnecting to life since Kevin's death:
"Make me an instrument of your healing:
When I am weak and in pain, help me to rest
When I am anxious, help me to wait;
When I am fearful, help me to trust
When I am lonely, help me to love
When I place You apart from me;
Help me to know You are near.

Added by Anonymous

Kevin is still with us in our hearts. His positive influence carries on each and every day. Kevin is remembered for his fierce loyalty to family and friends, for his heart and character, and for his integrity and lack of pretense,,,His spirit endures in all of us who were lucky enough to have known him.
Added by Shop 38

Kevin is such a handsome angel. Thank you for sharing him with us. Know that he is always with you, watching over you and sending you his love.
Added by Angel Mom Loni

My prayers go out to you all for the loss of your son Kevin,I also lost my son Devon,I know your pain all too well. If you'd like you can visit his site at . I hope you find peace knowing our Angels are watching over everyone. Much understanding & prayers, Love Teri L.
Added by AngelMom Teri L.
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