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Born:August 17, 1933
Plymouth, PA
Died:October 9, 2005
Orlando, Florida

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Dot Sherwood

Born in Plymouth, PA on 8/17/33 to Joseph Sherwood, Sr. and Annie Sherwood.

Dot was a medical missionary in Niger, West Africa. She had a master's degree in deaf education and was a teacher of the deaf in the public school system in Orlando.

Dot was a foster care mother to several hearing impaired and mentally challenged young adults.

Survivors are son, Todd Sherwood, Altamonte Springs, FL, brothers William Arthur Sherwood, Lancaster, OH, Irvin Sherwood, Scottdale, PA and Howard Sherwood, Ocala, FL. Also numerous nieces and nephews.

Dot was preceded in death by a sister, Mary Lusardi, brothers, Joseph Sherwood, Sr., Robert Sherwood, Frank Sherwood, Louis Sherwood and Randy Sherwood.

She was a member of First Baptist Church of College Park.

Her hobbies were needlework and cake decorating.

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