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Born:October 4, 2005
Neville Hall hospital Abergavenny
Died:October 4, 2005
Neville Hall hospital Abergavenny

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Our darling daughter Eliegh Rose Mary Davies was born sleeping on Tuesday the 4th of October 2005.  A lively baby in her mummys tummy, she brought hope to us and her waiting family.  We remember every kick she gave, especialy the night she kicked her daddy in the head as he lay on my tummy to talk to her.  The joy we had the day she was born was soon followed by extreme pain and greif as we lost her the same day.  I know she will live forever in our hearts, and the memory of her beautifull face will stay till we meet again.  Not a day goes by that we dont think of her and her mummy writes a letter to her everyday in a special pink book that she has called letters to Eliegh.  Daddy thinks of her a lot and talks to her too when hes alone.  We miss her so much and hope she is safe in gods arms in heaven with the other angels just like her.

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Hi darling hope you are safe. We miss you so much and hope that you will pop in on us from time to time. We love you loads baby and cant wait for the time when we can hold you again and be together once more as a family.
all our love till eternity
Mummy and Daddy

Added by Eligh's Mummy and Daddy
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