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Born:January 29, 1917
Smith Center, Kansas
Died:October 20, 2005
Grants Pass, Oregon

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Ann Henderson was a person who truly embraced the
meaning of life. She raised three wonderful children
and was a devoted grandmother and wife. As much as
her family, she loved her animals and spent the last
40 years living her dream of raising and caring for
them all on her farms in Oregon. Nothing could
dissuade her spirit and age was certainly no match
either. Caravaning across the plains of Africa while at a ripe age of 80, was one of her fondest memories. Up to her final day, Ann was in the company of her animals and family whom she cherished so greatly. Her life is truly a testament and should serve as a reminder that we must all savor life to its fullest.

Personal Notes

I will miss you very much Grandma. I will always
remember the visits to your farm, our phone
conversations and your love for life.
You will always be with me. Love, Bryce

Added by Bryce Henderson

Although we had only met once, I cannot say how
fortunate I am to have had you in my life. Your zest for life is truly inspiring and one that I hope to replicate. Thank you for providing such love and care to so many animals. As you know, that is a passion of mine as well. Know that you will always be with Bryce and I. Love, Jennifer

Added by Jennifer Henderson
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