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Born:July 14, 1989
Ardmore, Oklahoma
Died:November 9, 2005
Healdton, Oklahoma

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There is so much to say about Danielle! She was loved by everybody, and she loved everybody! One thing she loved to do was talk on her cell phone and talk to her friends on the computer. She was a social butterfly! She attened Velma-Alma schools through her freshman year, and was currently a sophomore at Healdton high school. Even though she has gone to Heaven, her family and friends will remember her forever! It's hard to let her go but we know she is in a better place. We love you Danielle Marie Rest in Peace.

Memorabilia (audio, video, files, documents, etc.)

Personal Notes

I love you Danielle Marie and I always will. Its so hard to understand why you had to go. Its not fair at all, I wish you were still here with us and I wish I could just see your face or talk to you one more time. I love you with all my heart and I miss you like crazy. Rest In Peace Sexy!
Love Your Favorite Cousin,
Shanna Jo

Added by Anonymous

hey woman! gosh i miss you so much! i'm havin a rough time believing that this really happened... its just not real to me...i know that you are in a much better place now....but i would still rather have you here with us....nothing will ever be the same without you!! but YOU know that we will never forget "Miss Danielle Marie"!!! i will think of you every day for the rest of my life and i can't wait til the day that we'll all be together again!! i love you forever and always!!!
Added by Sheena Christine

There is a hole in my heart that will never heal. I miss you so much, I love you like you were my own. I can't believe I will never see that beautiful smile or hug you again. But we will
have an awesome reunion day in Heaven, and until then I will keep your memory alive! Talk to me and I will listen with my heart to hear you.
Loving You Always & Forever

Added by Care Bear

Danielle, Hey girl. Even though I only met you a few times, I feel like I have known you forever. Your smile will forever light up my life. Love you.
Added by Anonymous

Hey Danielle, Knowing your gone hurts my heart very much, but knowing that your in a better place makes things a little easier...I guess! I will miss you with all my heart! When I think back on all the times you made me laugh it still puts a smile on face! I miss you and think about you everyday! You are so beautiful inside and out! Just know that I miss you and Love you with all my heart!
Added by Ashley Bleem

I love you and miss you sooo much!!! I think about you everyday..I wish you were here to meet my baby boy.. you would love him.
Added by a friend
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