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Born:October 23, 1959
Pottsville, PA
Died:October 8, 2005
Pottsville, PA

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Hans had many interrests and hobbies. He loved doing crafts and woodworking. He made these really cool churches and houses out of coffee stirrers. 
Computers were another of his hobbies. He loved upgrading and finding new programs that would make the puter go faster. He was addicted to downloading too.
He loved to write and read. Sci Fi was his favorite. He always had the SCI FI channel on at home.
Hans loved haggling and we were always at the flea market or yard sales on the weekend.
His real love was animals. He had just started working at Hillside S.P.C.A. He was really good at getting the new dogs over there fear and getting them to come out of there shell so to speak. Hans was going to go to school to be come an Animal Cruelty Investigator. He wanted to get those people who abused and negelicted the animals. Even though he was there only there for a while he touched many hearts and he will be missed.

Memorabilia (audio, video, files, documents, etc.)

Personal Notes

My Love,
I still dont understand why you had to leave so soon. I love and miss you so much. You were my love my life my soulmate my everything. Pleas watch over me and protect me.
I know one day I will see you again.
I love you

Added by Anonymous

I am very sorry to hear about your loss. I was doing a search to find you and came across this. If you read this and want to contact me, you can reach me at [email protected] . He gave me a lot of laughs, bro. I'm sorry.

Added by Damien M.
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