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Born:January 20, 1923
Died:November 30, 2004
Lima, Ohio

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The day God called you home                                You couldn't say "I'm leaving"                            You couldn't say "goodbye"                                 You were gone before we knew it,                           and only God Knows why.                                   A million times we've needed you,                         A million times we've cried.                               If love could have saved you,                              You never would have died.                               In life we loved you dearly,                             In death we love you still.                               For in our hearts you hold a place,                       No one can ever fill.                                     It broke our hearts to lose you,                          But you didn't go alone,                                  For a part of us went with you                             The day God called you home.

Wife Helen, sons Randy, Rick (Kathy), sister Charlotte, Family and Friends

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