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Born:May 2, 1986
Glace Bay, Nova Scotia
Died:June 15, 2005
Cape Breton, Nova Scotia

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Megan was the person that everyone liked to sit down and talk with, she was very energetic and smart. sometimes her friends called her a walking dictionary which she says is not true. When Megan and I started dating, her friends called us "the cutist couple" that made Megan blush a lot,she would take me to movies and I would sit down on the couch(loveseat)and she would lean against me and eat my popcorn while smiling at me. I was going to ask Megan to marry me this christmas. she will be missed by her family and friends. WE LOVE YOU MEGAN.

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Megan you where only 19 yrs. old when you left us. I hope your journey is going well for you and I will see you in heaven soon.

Added by Anonymous
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