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Born:February 4, 1920
Chickasaw County, Mississippi
Died:November 13, 2005
Kennett, Missouri

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Willie Lourene Thacker, 85, died November 13, 2005 at 6:30 am at NHC in Kennett, Missouri.

Mrs. Thacker was born February 4, 1920 in Chickasaw County, Mississippi. She is preceded in death by her husband James Kirk Thacker, Sr.; her parents William and Nora Caldwell; her brother Glen Caldwell; her sisters, Sue Tanque and Nell Richards; four infant daughters and one son, William Broase Thacker; and two grandchildren, Robert Kirk Thacker and Christopher Charles Gloth.

She is survived by her sons and daughters; James Kirk Thacker, Jr. of Portageville, Mo.; Walker Wayne Thacker of Portageville, Mo; John Wesley Thacker of Portageville, Mo.; Nancy Ellen Serigstad of Lake San Marcos, Ca.; Linda Lou Forrester of Portageville, Mo.; LaQuita Sue Gloth of Rockwall, TX.; Dorothy Jean Turner of Kennett, Mo.; and Karen Gail Burton of Portageville, Mo.

Mrs. Thacker had fifteen grandchildren, 25 great-grandchildren and 1 great-great grandchild.

She lived in the community of Boekerton, Mo. outside of Portageville, Mo for 50 years. She was a member of the Baptist church. She was a wonderful mother, loving grandmother and a loyal, precious friend. She loved gardening, quilting and her children.

Funeral services will be Wednesday, November 15, 2005 at Pryor Funeral Home in Calhoun City, Mississippi. She will be laid to rest in the Pleasant Grove Cemetery in Atlanta, Mississippi.

Pallbearers will be Shelby Thacker, Benny Thacker, Eric Thacker, Rory Gloth, Donald Thacker, Henon Thacker, Ross Burton, Wayne Lawrence,and John Thomas Creasy

She was a virtuous woman and her price was far above rubies. (Proverbs 31:10). She will be greatly missed by all.


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Personal Notes

I love you and will miss you much Grandma! You were a wonderful woman and loved by everyone who knew you!
Added by Kelly

She was the strongest most giving person I have ever known. I wouldn't have become the person I am without her. I miss her more than words can say.
Added by jjt

Even though I only knew Grandma for about a year, I feel blessed to have known her. My life was changed for the better with that beautiful woman in my life. I miss her and love her.
Added by tda

We were blessed by god to have my mom.God went the extra mile for me and all our family! My mom, Lourene Thacker, went the extra mile for us all. Setting the right exsample for us to follow. She taught her family about real love,GOD,life& the importance of family. SHE WAS ALIVE NOT JUST EXSISTING! SHE GAVE ALL THAT SHE HAD. HER LOVE AND TIME. THAT YOU CAN'T PUT A PRICE ON. SHE WILL ALWAYS BE ALIVE IN OUR HEARTS AND MINDS. THANKS TO GOD AND ALL YOU HAVE WENT THE EXTRA MILE FOR ME.
Added by DOROTHY

We were blessed by god to have my mom.God went the extra mile for me and all our family! My mom, Lourene Thacker, went the extra mile for us all. Setting the right exsample for us to follow. She taught her family about real love,GOD,life& the importance of family. SHE WAS ALIVE NOT JUST EXSISTING! SHE GAVE ALL THAT SHE HAD. HER LOVE AND TIME. THAT YOU CAN'T PUT A PRICE ON. SHE WILL ALWAYS BE ALIVE IN OUR HEARTS AND MINDS. THANKS TO GOD AND ALL YOU HAVE WENT THE EXTRA MILE FOR ME.
Added by DOROTHY

Added by CRYSTAL

We miss you very much. You touched lots of people during your stay here. I'll see you soon. I really hope that the 8 kids can quite being childish and remember they are family and need to start acting like it. Life is too short to be mad at the one's you love. It takes effort from everyone. She would be very disappointed if she was here and could see you all now. Love You!!!
Added by Family Member
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