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Born:August 15, 1980
Died:September 17, 2004
Bristol Frenchay Hospital

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To the best cousin ever

I knew i would miss you as soon as you were gone, But what i didn't realize was that the heartaches last so long, And although your gone forever and your hand i can not touch, I never will forget you kel's because i love you so much.

Added by Anonymous

Added by Mike Wedmore
Memorabilia (audio, video, files, documents, etc.)

Personal Notes

All i take with me as i leave is your love and all those percious memories. Fear not nor grieve at my departure i will be with you all till the end of the world.
Added by Anonymous

Kelly i think of you every hour of every day,
The love we shared was special, The bond we had was unique, The void in my life is hard to fill, The special memories we share together know one can ever take.

Added by Mike Wedmore
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