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Born:July 9, 1990
St. Paul, MN
Died:March 11, 1995
St. Paul, MN

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Adriana was a very special little girl who was taken from those she loved way too soon. She was murdered at the hands of a teenager at the tender age of 4. She was and will always be loved and missed by so many.

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Added by Anonymous

Adriana was a special child,with much charms,always smiling,just a joy!!she will never be forgotten,all were blessed,who had the wonderful chance to fit into her 4 years of memories.

Added by a old friend

Adriana was a special child,with much charms,always smiling,just a joy!!she will never be forgotten,all were blessed who had the wonderful chance to fit into her 4 years of memories.

Added by an "old friend"

Adriana was avery special and loved little girl. with a mother who loved her with everything she had.
Added by an old friend

I was a lucky 3 year old, who gets to say"Adriana was my friend" at 17 years old now, I have the deepest sympathy for Adriana, and her entire family, this event that I don't remember, will forever stay with me, I know, she must be with the Angels!
Added by Taylor Marie Boos

Adriana was avery special and loved little girl. with a mother who loved her with everything she had.
Added by an old friend

Adriana was avery special and loved little girl. with a mother who loved her with everything she had.
Added by an old friend

Adriana was avery special and loved little girl. with a mother who loved her with everything she had.
Added by an old friend
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