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Born:August 23, 1991
Luton Bedfordshire United Kingdom
Died:December 7, 1991
Luton Bedfordshire United Kingdom

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Matthew was our 6th son and was born 10 days late weighing a huge 9 pounds 4 ounces. He was a beautiful baby with large dark brown eyes and a cheeky smile. He was healthy except for the odd cold. The day before he died we took him Christmas shopping and he loved looking at all the lights and decorations. The following morning I found him cold and lifeless in his cot..he had become another victim of sudden infant death syndrome. He was just 15 weeks old. Although with us for such a short time he had a large impact on us and made us realise what is more important in life. Its not what people have got , its what they are inside that counts. God bless you son. Always in our hearts.

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