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Born:June 30, 1990
Southfield, MI
Died:December 10, 2005
Milford, MI

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Alex played hard and lived long.  He was a survivor.  He beat cancer twice, Coons Hound Paralysis, a gun shot to his abdominal region, Venereal Disease, and mutiple infections.  The last two years of his life he struggled with Cognitive Dysfunctional Syndrome.  But somehow he managed.
He brought love into the lives of many with his brilliant smile, positive attitude, and loving ways. He managed well on his own, but also welcomed the attention from others. He showed respect through his manners, and intelligence through his actions. He discovered cancer on my face, and a gas leak in our home. He won a local radio contest, and had been quoted in a major newspaper article.
My litte buddy. Though I know I can not touch, see, nor hear you, I can feel you in my heart; today and always. I close my eyes and recall so many of our good times together. It makes me smile. I keep photos of you at home; I keep photos of you at work. I love to look at them and remember. My little buddy. I love you!
Personal Notes

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