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Born:June 11, 1963
Poplarville, MS
Died:November 7, 2005
Garden City, SC

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Mark was my brother.  Two years younger than me.  He was a great musician, a great entertainer, fun to be around.  I will miss him.

At sometime in our lives, we all have had to deal with the loss of a loved one, be it a family member or a friend. However loosing someone to suicide is something which is so different from the things in which we can't control. When someone that you love makes the choice to end their life, those left behind are left with many unanswered questions. Then you have the people that say "oh, suicide, that's the coward's way out." I say they're WRONG! A person who chooses to take their own life is feeling a pain deeper than anything hopefully you and I will ever feel.

What all of us need to do is start listening and looking for signs that someone you love may be thinking about suicide. We must open our ears, our eyes, and our hearts, and put a stop to suicide!

Added by Anonymous


Added by Anonymous
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Personal Notes

Until I see you again I wish you peace. Your sis, Renay
Added by Anonymous
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