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Born:September 26, 1964
Holguin, Cuba
Died:February 22, 2024
Milton, Ontario

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Unless more time is purchased to keep this memorial online, it will be removed from this website very soon.  Visitors will be unable to view this memorial, including any stories, photos, personal notes or other memorabilia that have been added to this web page.

Daniel M. Zaldivar was an immigrant from Cuba who visited Canada with the Navy and immediately fell in love with the country, he knew this would be a great place to raise his two daughters; L. Zaldivar and L. Zaldivar.

He was a loving husband, father, and stepfather. He will be missed, Rest in Peace Daniel.

Daniel has chosen to not hold a funeral or celebration of life, instead has chosen to have his ashes spread in his home country.

Personal Notes

I will never forget our movie nights with the volume on mute while we create our own plots and try to guess what's happening. I love and miss you dad.
Added by L. Zaldivar

Mi amor, te extrano tremendo. Casi ni pudimos difurtar la vida juntos. Tu hijastro siempre espera por ti. Siempre te voy a acordar.
Added by Dayani Zaldivar
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