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Born:March 23, 1983
Cincinati KY
Died:September 15, 2005
Alpha Gamma Delta House Athens OH

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Nate left us at the early age of 22. He was the president of his senior class at Arch Bishop Moller High School in Cincinati Kentucky. He traveled to Athens OH where he masturbated on the center of the beautiful collge's campus. He later befriended Nate Chesser who he shared a room with at the Phi Gamma Delta Fraternity. Nate Chesser and Nate Gapper referred to themselves as Nate^2 or (nate squared) 
As a 5th year senior nate fell in love....He lost contact with all of his firends, including the MOLLER MAFIA and the other half of Nate^2...nate chesser.
Nate's love of his life broke his heart when she had intercourse with one, Adam Storck. Nate's last words were "I can't live.... if living is without you." Nathan Ed Gapper took his life hours after he heard the news of his girlfriend's infedility. Nate's remains will be spread over Cincinati Kentucky.
N. Gapper leaves behind his 17 cats, and 4 gold fish.
Personal Notes

Nate- Sorry I fucked your girlfriend - Storck
Gapper- Sorry I fucked you girlfriend - Chad Johnson #85
Nate- you were the coolest guy in the moller mafia- Elhers
Nate- do you still have my Moller seat pants??? - Kishpaw

Added by Anonymous
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