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Born:April 13, 1990
Died:August 24, 2005
Maine Medical Center

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Iza marie wing of dexter passed away peacefully Aug.24th.2005 at bangores maine medical center after a long battle with cancer.she was born April/13th/1990 at eastern maine medical center, the daughter of paula m taylor and guy k maloon.
iza attended dexter schools and enjoyed being a part of the girls field hockey team. she attended baptist youth groups 4-h andthe girl scouts. she also enjoyed singing.
Iza loved her nanna and bampa more then anything else.
in addittion to her mother andfarther, she is survived by "nanna" linda wing, wife of the late frank r. wing "bampa"; sisters ashlee wingand courtney taylor both of dexter and megan maloon of parkman a brother guy k maloon jr alsoof parkman; uncle and aunt scott n tracey buxton; as well as uncle pat, uncle bub and aunt belinda, aunt brenda, uncle russ and uncle jeff; cousins, erica and travis; and a nephew seth guy maloon; special friends Ashleigh Brown and jeff taylor.

Ashleigh N Iza luv yahs.jpg
Best Friends For eternity
Added by Anonymous
Memorabilia (audio, video, files, documents, etc.)
Iza loves brennan.jpg
cup cake
Added by Anonymous
Personal Notes

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