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Born:British Columbia ,Canada
Died:New westminster B.C

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Kyle Andrew Tait was a 16 yr old who was a "G" he'd always knows how to make you laugh and make you mad. He always called people "son" i think the most thing he loved was money,girls,friends. Also he was my bestfriend since elementary school. me,kyle,willy,and theo,andrew were good friends. i remember we all use to wrestle outside i think thats what i miss the most us playing around punching eachother bodyslamming. and i always remember kyle always use to get in trouble i remember his mom always calling his name to get in the house when we were playing in this small playground. and this one time we were throuhing this huge rock and when kyle through over the fence he broke a neighours car window his parents were so mad becasue they had to pay for the damage. me and him were partners in crime since were like 9. well i gotta say its true because me and him were arrested twice together. I know its not right to write this but i'm just saying thats how close we were like brothers from another mother always doing shit together. 


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when i hugged your mom she never let me go for awhile it was so hard becasue she never stoped crying then i started to cry. i couldn't belive it when i seen on the news that was you that got shot by the cop. That was the worst day of my life because i never thought u would die so young man. ur the 7th friend now man too many deaths in 5 years i wish i was there dawg
Added by Jordan
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