Captain Charles Edward Boldt, affectionately known as Eddie, was born June 11, 1979 in Orlando, FL. Being a navy kid, Eddie grew up around the water in Florida, San Diego and Huntington Beach, California and New Port Rhode Island. He graduated from New Symrna Beach High School, New Symrna Beach, FL. After high school, Eddie went on to graduate from Florida State University where he was Cadet Commander of the Army ROTC Program. Upon graduation, two events occurred in Eddie's life that changed him forever. First, he was married to Crystal, the girl of his dreams and second, he was commissioned as a 2nd Lieutenant in the infantry. He then completed Officer Basic Course and Ranger School. Eddie was assigned to the 82nd Airborne Division where he served as a platoon leader, company XO, and , and battalion S-4. He served a tour in Afghanistan and Iraq. While in Afghanistan, Eddie was awarded the Bronze Star for meritorious service. Eddie completed the Army's Captain’s course and had recently begun training with the Special Forces. Eddie had a sincere heart and always put others first. He loved his motor cycle, the army, his friends and family. Eddie was tragically killed in a motorcycle accident on June 29, 2005. Eddie is survived by his parents, Charles and Bonnie Boldt, of New Plymouth, ID., his younger brother, Staff Sgt. Timothy Boldt, of Anchorage, Alaska, Jan Sparks, grandmother, and a host of fellow soldiers.