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Born:May 18, 1915
Died:October 22, 2005
Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario

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My Grandma had a very good long life which I was so blessed to be a part of. When my Uncle Jim went up to say a few words at her funeral he said that he could think of so many good things to say, but he couldn't think of one bad thing. It's so true. In my 22 years I had never heard her shout or get into an argument with anyone. I never heard her say anything bad about anyone either. No matter who she may have had conflicts with she was always a lady and kept any harsh comments to herself.

She had a love for God like no one I have ever met. Every Saturday when I was little I would spend the night at her house and we would read our bibles together. Well she would read hers and I would look through mine (it was like a comic book). At her wake her bible was laid open on a table and there was not one page that didn't have any markings or have some scripture underlined. She was known for saying "God is good" and I'm sure she walks by his side every day.

She has a lot of family who miss her dearly but are happy knowing she is safe in the arms of the man she loved the most (besides my grandpa).

She was married to my grandpa for 72 years and had 6 children. When she died she had 20 grandchildren and many great-grandchildren. She will be missed greatly by us all.


Journey's Just Begun
Don't think of her as gone away--
her journey's just begun.
life holds so many facets--
this earth is only one.
Just think of her as resting
from the sorrows and the tears
in a place of warmth and comfort
where there are no days and years.
Think how she must be wishing
that we could know, today,
how nothing but our sadness
can really pass away.
And think of her as living,
in the hearts of those she touched
for nothinig loved is ever lost--
and she was loved so much

"Grandmother's Jewels"

A Grandmother's Jewels
(Her Priceless Treasures)
Are Most Clearly Seen
In The Lives of Those
She Leaves Behind.

"In Loving Memory ..."

To have loved one, then lost,
is still better than to have never been so blessed
To have been enriched by one's cheerfulness,
their memory lingers on.
Their hopes and ideals in the crevices of your mind,
their wisdom is there when you need it.
Whatever was good and noble within your loved one,
they still live through you.
May their life have had purpose and meaning
by keeping their good seed alive.
Only then can we truly say,
"In Loving Memory."


Surrounded by friends
yet all alone
the one I loved
God has called home
the hugs of friends
helps ease the pain
and I know my loss
is my loved one's gain
but tears now flow
across my face
as I long for just
one more embrace
then comfort comes
and I see Christ's face
He hugs my loved one
and I feel God's grace.

Memorabilia (audio, video, files, documents, etc.)

Personal Notes

Grandma each day without you is a day without sunshine! I miss you so much more than words can express!
Added by Crystal - Granddaughter
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