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Born:February 23, 1989
Salem Oregon
Died:December 23, 2005
Pt. Angeles washington

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Our gift from God will be forever missed, but never forgotten. The memories we have of her will live on forever.From her bright blue eyes and contagious smile, to her wonderful sense of humor and caring nature. Melissa was never one to judged a person. She had the ability to look past ones cover, and see the good inside a persons heart.She cherished her freinds and was dedicated to them to a fault. We can never understand why she had to be taken away from us at such a young age, and why she had to die at the hands of horrible monster. 
But rest assured, there's another Angel in heaven watching over us all, and when you think of her,.. SMILE!!
Messa Mae.jpg

Added by Anonymous
Memorabilia (audio, video, files, documents, etc.)

Personal Notes

We miss you baby girl
Added by love, mom & daddy

You lived a hard life little one... Peace
Added by Jk

A small measure of Justice in your honor today put the monster who hurt you behind bars.
Added by Anonymous

go to the light sweetie, its ok to go
before you do id like you to know
everyone is fine, we'll heal with time
our love for you will always shine through

Added by mommy

PORT ANGELES — After deliberating for less than seven hours, a Clallam County jury found Robert Gene Covarrubias guilty Friday afternoon of first-degree murder for the rape and slaying of Melissa Leigh Carter.

Covarrubias is scheduled to be sentenced May 25. Clallam County Prosecutor Deborah Kelly said she will recommend a 40-year sentence.

Added by love from your family

love, mommy
Added by Anonymous


Added by Anonymous
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